Unser Instrumentalunterricht wird auf deutsch, spanisch, französisch und englisch angeboten!

Gerade in belastenden Lebensphasen, die von Trauer, Stress oder Angst geprägt sind, kannst Du mithilfe der musiktherapeutischen Einzelarbeit eine einmalige Hilfe finden.
Auf dem Weg zu Befreiung, Heilung und Entfaltung kann ich Dich ganz individuell unterstützen und kombiniere dabei Techniken folgender Bereiche, für die ich ausgebildet bin:
Trommel- und Rhythmuspädagogik; Gesangs- und Stimmarbeit, Yoga, Ayurveda, Autogenes Training, Musiktherapie, Klangtherapie, Entspannung, Atem- und Meditationstechniken
Termine nach Absprache
Musiktherapeutische Einzelarbeit: 60 Minuten = 80€ 90 Minuten = 120€
Music therapy is a wonderful complement to all other types of psychotherapy. But you don't have to be ill to use the versatile approaches of a music therapist for your own potential. We can all become freer, happier, more open, more loving, more relaxed and more aware. This is a never-ending path of life and the classification into "sick" and "healthy" only fulfills its function to a very limited extent.
One could also describe individual music therapy work in general as “healing work”, “self-discovery”, “potential awakening” or “self-development”, which is good for everyone.
Free singing, breathing exercises, gently freeing your own voice, free improvisation on musical instruments, body percussion and many other possibilities and applications from yoga, relaxation and awareness work will help you to get in touch with yourself again. Emotions and fears can be reduced and you will learn how to get the strings of your soul vibrating again.
Especially in stressful phases of life, which are characterized by grief, stress or fear, you can find unique help with the help of music therapy.
On the way to liberation, healing and development I can support you individually and combine techniques in the following areas for which I am trained:
drum and rhythm pedagogy; Singing and voice work, yoga, Ayurveda, autogenic training, music therapy, sound therapy, relaxation, breathing and meditation techniques
Dates by arrangement
Music therapy individual work: 60 minutes = 80€ 90 minutes = 120€
1 hr
80 euros1 hr 30 min
120 euros